装相 : 你让我感动



기본 정보
题目 装相 : 你让我感动
韓國語 내숭 : 나를 움직이는 당신
英语 Coy : You move me
号型 130 × 196 cm
年度 2013
编码 F-0100-1300-01-01
수량 수량증가수량감소


紙本淡彩, 拼贴艺术 Color and collage on Korean paper

할인판매가 총 할인금액 원 (모바일할인금액 원)

(모바일기기를 통한 주문시에만 적용됩니다.)


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배송비 방법 快递
배송비 海外配送

<  내숭 :  나를 움직이는 당신 Coy : YouMove Me>, 







한지 위에 수묵과 담채, 콜라쥬

Painting with Korea traditional ink, color andcollage  on Traditional Asian paper

130 x 196 cm, 2013


Coy : You Move Me

“During I paint, it is easy to skip to meal. So I used to eat a fast food like McDonald, I painted this piece remembering delivery service.”

“Just after graduating from the university, one side of my heart was so heavy. 

Because I felt feeling of uneasiness as an artist, so I always painted with uncomfortable mind. So now, I appreciate the present and the people who like me and my pieces. 

And I’m grateful day after day that I can study as student while I paint and various works as the artist.”

“Sometimes I face an unseen limitation, so I feel that it is too much for my strength. 

But I am happy, because of my present gives to me a multitude of possibilities. 

I know very well that it is a totally difficult proces, the painting isn’t painful things but happiest moments. 

And the visitor’s attention & love are exactly makes me move as the artist. So, the real ‘You move me’ is the visitors.”


안녕하세요. 한국화가 김현정입니다.   

이 그림은 최근에 그린 작업 중 하나입니다. 

제가 애착을 갖고 있는 그림인데요 :)

명함과 엽서에 이미지로 사용하고 있습니다.

작업을 하면서 끼니를 잘 못챙기는 경우가 많은데요, 그 때마다 인스턴트음식이나 패스트 푸드를 찾게 되더라고요. 

그러다 보니, 배달 하시는 분도 친숙하게 느껴지고, 

음식을 의인화 시키게 되면서, 저의 생활의 동력이라 생각도 들더라고요 ^-^


기법적인 측면에서 바라보자면, 점점 그림이 변화하는 모습을 보실수 있습니다.

하이힐의 높이도 점점더 높아지고, 가장 큰 변화로는 한복의 치마부분에도 콜라쥬를 했다는 점입니다.

실제로 그림을 안 보신 분들은 재료에서 '어디가 콜라쥬인가'라는 의문을 갖으시던데요.

저는 보통 한복의 저고리 부분을 콜라쥬를 한답니다.

한지 장인이 직접 만들어주신 한지를 사용하기도 하고요,

제가 한지 염색 기법을 배웠기때문에 스스로 염색하기도 한답니다.

위의 저고리는 제가 직접 염색한 한지로 저고리와 치마부분을 콜라쥬 했답니다.


This is also recently worked.

I have strong love for this painting and it's title role of my namecard and postcard. :)


While at work, I sometimes do with convenience or junk(?) food.

Repeating fast food (like Mc Delivery),

I become familiar these junk foods, even think they'er one of the important power to keep my work going !!!  

You can make sure how much portion junk food takes in my working as a paintng title <You Move me>. Ha Ha~


Looking from technical side, you can notice a little changning :

heels is higher,,,the biggest change is "collage on skirt" 

In my painting, only top of clothing have been applied collage.

This time, I also try collage on SKIRT.

Of course, it's in trouble to distinguish just from online image. (just can expierience it by watching on exhibition)


For collage, I use Korean traditional paper which is producted by artisan of Korean traditional paper.

Sometimes, I dyed paper for myself as I also learned dyeing skill.

In this work, I collaged top and skirst using paper taking dyeing. :)


In "Coy Series",

I like to express some irony and wit through a kind of tomboy behind a classic and elegant appearance. 

When drawing a character, I am often skeching as a nude and then colored semi-transparent clothes.

Semi-transparent clothes means "CAN BE EXPOSED TO VIEW".


[내숭 영화관] _ 본 작업이 나오는 영상자료입니다.

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[내숭 도서관] _ 본 작업이 수록된 책자입니다.

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